
Building and Deploying apps using VSTS and HockeyApp - Part 3 : Windows Phone

This post talks about building and deploying Windows phone apps using Visual Studio team services. This is part 3 of series of posts. To see how to build iOS & Android apps using VSTS, please see part 1 and 2 of this series.

Build Variables

Variable Name Variable Value
system.debug false
BuildConfiguration release
BuildPlatform any cpu

Develop Branch

dev build steps

Step 1: Nuget restore

Field Name Field Value
Path to Solution Locate the Windows only solution that has the Windows project and the shared code.
Path to Nuget Locate path of any custom nuget config files. See part 1 for more details
Installation Type restore

Step 2: Build WinPhone

Field Name Field Value
Solution Path to WinPhone.csproj
MSBuild Arguments /p:SolutionDir=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)
Configuration $(BuildConfiguration)
Clean true
Visual Studio Version Visual Studio 2015

Advanced Tab

Field Name Field Value
MSBuild Architecture MSBuild x86
Record Project details true

Step 3: Build Unit Tests

Field Name Field Value
Project Path to UnitTests.csproject file
Configuration $(BuildConfiguration)

Advanced Tab

Field Name Field Value
MSBuild Version MSBuild 14.0
MSBuild Architecture MSBuild x86

Step 4: Run Unit Tests

Field Name Field Value
Test Assembly **\bin\$(BuildConfiguration)\*UnitTests*.dll

Beta Branch

beta build steps

Step 1: Nuget restore

Same as develop branch

Step 2: Increment Build Number in package.appxmanifest

Field Name Field Value
Type File Path
Script Path A custom powershell script to patch version numbers. Contents below:
Arguments $(Build.BuildNumber)

Advanced Tab

Field Name Field Value
Working Folder Path to the WinPhone.csproj folder

Version Patcher powershell script


$majorMinorRegex   = 'Version="\d+.\d+.(?=\d+.\d+)'
$buildNumberRegex  = 'Version="\d+.\d+.([\d+]+)(?=.\d+)'
$finalPatternRegex = 'Version="(.*)'

$inputFile  = 'Package.appxmanifest'
$outputFile = $inputFile

$majorMinorVersion = Select-String -Path $inputFile -pattern $majorMinorRegex -AllMatches | % {$_.Matches} | % {$_.Groups[0].Value}
Write-Host 'Extracted Major Minor String '$majorMinorVersion
(Get-Content $inputFile) -replace $buildNumberRegex, -join($majorMinorVersion, $newBuildNumber) | Set-Content $outputFile

This script takes the build number as an input argument and updates the build number column in Package.appxmanifest

beta build number

Step 3: Print package.appxmanifest

Field Name Field Value
Tool cat
Arguments Path to winphone project directory/Package.appxmanifest

Step 4: Build WinPhone

Field Name Field Value
Solution Name of the winphone solution
Platform arm
Configuration Release
Clean true
Visual Studio Version Visual Studio 2015

Everything remains as default settings

Sqlite and Windows Phone 8.1

If your windows phone app uses sqlite to persist data, then the build process gets slightly tricky. We can easily reference the sqlite package from nuget but windows phone 8.1 does not come pre-installed with the sqlite runtime. We have to package in the necessary sqlite runtime files with our win phone build or the app would not run. One way to achieve this is by installing a visual studio extension and then reference the necessary dlls as described here. That all works fine on the developer machine but not on the build server, not without installing Visual studio on the build server, which is not ideal.

An alternate approach is to emulate the SDK folder structure locally in a folder Dependencies’ that lives at the solution level and we check in that folder and its contents to git. The next step is to tell msbuild that this Dependencies folder is a valid location for loading sdk dlls. We do this by adding the following xml in the winphone csproj file (by unloading project and editing).


The above xml element can be added after the last existing PropertyGroup xml element in the csproj file.

This is how the structure for the Dependencies folder looks like on my dev machine.

SolutionDir => Dependencies => WindowsPhoneApp => v8.1 => ExtensionSDKs => Microsoft.VCLibs & SQLite.WP81

The folder structure starting from WindowsPhoneApp can be copied to Dependencies folder from the installed SDK location on the dev machine. For example - the location of sdk on my dev machine is at C:Files (x86)SDKs

Also make sure to the following two dependencies are setup correctly in the csproj xml

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime Package for Windows Phone
  • SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1
    <SDKReference Include="Microsoft.VCLibs, Version=12.0">
      <Name>Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime Package for Windows Phone</Name>
    <SDKReference Include="SQLite.WP81, Version=3.11.0">
      <Name>SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1</Name>

Doing so will ensure the winphone project can be built locally and on the build server as well.

Step 5: Run Unit Tests

Same as beta branch

Step 6: Copy appxupload to staging area

Field Name Field Value
Source Folder [Path to WinPhone Folder]/AppPackages
Contents *.appxupload
Target Folder $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)

Step 7: Copy WinPhone Deploy tool to staging area

Unfortunately there is no direct support for installing windows phone apps from HockeyApp onto a device, so we need to take a different approach for this. We will upload a win phone app deployment tool (part of windows phone sdk) to our staging area. The testers can grab this tool from the build server/staging area and get the appxupload file from HockeyApp and deploy to device via USB. The tool only has 2 files.

  1. AppDeploy.exe
  2. Microsoft.Phone.Tools.Deploy.dll

On my machine this tool lives under C:Files (x86)SDKsPhone.1”

These 2 files are zipped up in a folder Dependencies (as mentioned above) and are checked in to the git repo along with the code.

Field Name Field Value
Source Folder Dependencies
Contents WinPhone_AppDeployTool.zip
Target Folder $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)

Step 8: Publish staging area artifacts

Field Name Field Value
Path to Publish $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
Artifact Name drop
Artifact Type Server

Step 9: Deploy App to Hockey

Field Name Field Value
HockeyApp Connection Choose from Dropdown
App ID the bucket id for the project defined in Hockey App
Binary Build Path $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\*.appxupload
Publish true

Master Branch

Everything same as the beta branch, except in the deploy to hockey app step change to the right AppID

Up next Building and Deploying apps using VSTS and HockeyApp - Part 2 : Android AWS VPC Notes
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