Raghu Rana's blog
Refactor react code to use state store instead of multiple useState hooks Let’s say you have a component that uses 4 useState hooks to manage the state of a simple counter app. This is quite tedious to manage and can get May 3, 2023 React & Zustand
Refactor react code to use state store instead of multiple useState hooks May 3, 2023 React & Zustand Let’s say you have a component that uses 4 useState hooks to manage the state of a simple counter app. This is quite tedious to manage and can get Notes on Python Apr 25, 2023 Python This post is a quick summary of the Python language. This is for version 3 and above. Python standard library docs can be found at: Threat Modelling - Using Microsoft STRIDE Model Sep 16, 2022 security & threat-modelling When reviewing the security posture of any application or system, it is important to consider the threats that the system is exposed to. This is WCAG - Notes Apr 15, 2022 web-accessibility This post is just a collection of some notes on web accessibility and making accessibile rich internet applications (ARIA) Use more native elements Flutter CI/CD with Azure Devops & Firebase - iOS - Part 1 Aug 30, 2021 flutter & ci-cd & firebase & azure & devops This is a guide on how to build and deploy flutter hello world apps both iOS and Android from a private git repo. The code will be built in Azure Flutter CI/CD with Azure Devops & Firebase - Android - Part 2 Aug 30, 2021 flutter & ci-cd & firebase & azure & devops This is a guide on how to build and deploy flutter hello world apps both iOS and Android from a private git repo. This is part 2 of the series for How to samples with AWS CDK Apr 5, 2021 AWS & CDK & IaC & Typescript A repository of CDK resusable typescript code samples to provision AWS infrastructure with code. Some more info on CDK if you are new to it. A hashicorp packer project to provision an AWS AMI with node, pm2 & mongodb Oct 21, 2020 IaC & Hashicorp-Packer & AMI & AWS Packer is an amazing tool to provision multi cloud virtual machine images with code. Making it easier to audit/maintain images and check Some notes on Zeebe (A scalable process orchestrator) Mar 30, 2020 process-orchestration zeebe Zeebe is a horizontally scalable, language agnostic, highly available, process orchestration engine that can execute a BPMN 2.0 workflow. No Docker-Compose in AWS ECS with EFS volume mounts Nov 14, 2019 docker & AWS & ECS Install the aws ecs cli to run commands from terminal. Download Instructions Add ecs-cli to your path if it doesnt exits already. Make sure you have
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