

This post is just a collection of some notes on web accessibility and making accessibile rich internet applications (ARIA)

Some basics

  • Use more native elements where possible like h1, buttons, forms etc.
  • Avoid things like divs that are styled as button for example.
  • Ensure rendered HTML is well formed
  • Test in a varierty of browsers including mobile
  • reconsider decisions around color contrasts, motion like parallax effects etc

Tools for testing sematic HTML

  • Dev tools in modern browsers, especially the Accessibility tab in chrome
  • Reader mode in browsers
  • NVDA screen reader link
  • Voiceover rotors link
  • Browser extensions:
    • Accessibility Insights for web
    • Web developer toolbar
  • If there is conflicting info between screen readers and other accesibility tools, screen readers should be preferred as they are more closer to the end user

ARIA attributes

  • Standards based attributes for adding accessibility info to web
  • Three types
    • role. eg role=“button”
    • state. eg aria-visited=“false”
    • property. eg aria-label=“form submit”
  • Avoid overriding aria attribs for native elements. rules-link
  • if a div has to be used as a button then use aria-role to describe it is a button.
  • html section tags only show up in screen readers if they have an aria-label or aria-labelledby
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